Cultural Competence in Nursing

This week’s assignment is a PowerPoint presentation!! Be sure anytime you complete a PPT, and there is a title slide, objective slide, content slides, and reference slide. BE SURE TO CITE ALL SOURCES USED IN AN APA FORMATTED TEXTBOX. PUT ALL YOUR FINDINGS INTO ONE POWERPOINT PRESENTATION. Requirements for PPTs are found at this recorded Webinar PPT presentation –

The PPT should be 15-27 slides, as noted below, and use at least 3 sources throughout. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements. The Rubric is for PPT – found in the Assignment Upload link in the lower right corner– please review.

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Cultural Competence in Nursing
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Pick a cultural group (different from yours) that you commonly care for at work. Research the answers to the following…(Hispanic Culture)

Title Slide (1 slide)
Objective Slide (1 slide)
Health Beliefs and Practices (1-2 slide)
Family patterns (1-2 slide)
Communication style (1-2 slide)
Space orientation and Time orientation (1-2 slide)
Nutritional Patterns (1-2 slide)
Pain Responses (1-2 slide)
Childbirth and perinatal care (1-2 slide)
Death and Dying (1-2 slide)
Spirituality, religion, and faith (include holy days) (1-2 slide)
Prayer and meditation (1-2 slide)
What knowledge did you gain about this group that you were not aware of? (1-2 slide)
How will this knowledge change the way you care for this cultural group? (1-2 slide)
References (1 slide)

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