Sociological Research report
SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH REPORT: This will be your term paper. The report will discuss the findings interviews with three individuals who have worked in formal organizations over an extended period of time (more than ten years). All three individuals should work in different organizations. They can be family members or family friends. By researching and writing this report, you will learn how to interview people, analyze interview data to write a paper, learn about the working lives of people, and perhaps most importantly, from an academic point of view, learn abstract thinking as you relate your findings to the class materials. Do not submit questions/answers as your paper. Your findings from the questions asked need to be summarized in your paper.
Format of the report: Start with an introduction describing the respondents and their work. Then trace their work life history. What job did they first start out with? Did they change their career? What different jobs have they had? Then discuss their current job. What do they do at work? How do the work systems impede or help them accomplish their work goals? What are the difficulties they face at work? Discuss their co-workers. How much cooperation do they get from co-workers? How much of their work depends on their co-workers’ contribution? How much support they get from their supervisor? How is their performance evaluated and how does it affect their work, and their future? What factors motivate them? What de-motivates them? What part of their job do they enjoy the most and the least? What could be done to make their work a more enjoyable
experience? What could their organization or supervisors do to help them? What stops the supervisors from helping them? What are the turf issues? What are their future plans? Will they change careers? When do they plan to retire? What will they do after they retire? What are the similarities and differences in the experiences of the three respondents? You may add more questions.
It is necessary to find common themes from the topic Work or any other class materials and the data you get from the interviews. In other words, you should be able to relate your findings to the topics covered in class (abstract thinking).
The report should be approximately eight pages in length, typed and double-spaced with the font Times New Roman 12 points. Late papers will not be accepted.

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