Select 1 agencies in the helping profession
Contact Information
Name of Agency
Address of Agency
Telephone Number, Fax Number, Email Address
Name of Director or Manager (including title)
Days and times of operation
Background Information
What is the mission and what are the goals of the agency?
What needs does the agency seek to meet?
What services (e.g. programs) are provide? Be specific
What target populations are served? Include, but not limited to, the following
items: current and past clientele (e.g. shifts in populations); ethnicity breakdown; income levels; age groups, etc. Be specific.
What are the agency funding sources (non-profit or for-profit)? Be specific.
What are the educational requirements for entry level and management positions
Do they take interns? If so, what functions will they be performing?
Critical Analysis
• Personal reflection on the agency. Did the service and agency feel well organized? How were the clients treated by staff? Give at least three (3) reasons as to why or why not you would intern/work there.
Obtain a brochure or literature on the agency and its services

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