Is COLOR a property of the mind or an inherent characteristic of nature

Metaphysics is the study of what is real. Descartes said only two things are real: extension and duration. We say space and time, the four dimensions. In this Inquiry, we are looking into the nature of things in space and time, their characteristics; the characteristic that intrigues us here is color. So do some research into the modern science of color and give an argument on… where it is.


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Is COLOR a property of the mind or an inherent characteristic of nature
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Between 1,000 and 2500 words
MLA format,
Size-12 Times New Roman,

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(Answer using chunk style — claim/support/commentary – 1st week).

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You must use at least:
1) two quotes from each philosopher (primary source), and
2) should have at least two quotes from at least an additional source (secondary source

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