Write a Feasibility Research Report for a potential international trade initiative. The research report must outline the research taken to determine the feasibility of an international business opportunity for either the company you work for or a fictitious company of your choice. It should relate to either an exporting or importing opportunity for an existing or new product or service for an identified target market. Based on your report, the organization reviewing it should have all the information it needs to determine the feasibility of the international venture.

The steps to follow are:

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1. Identify the potential international trade initiative, providing details on the product or service, whether the opportunity is for export or import, and which market you plan to target.

2. Outline the research objectives, methodology and data sources used. Refer to Evaluation Criteria for more details on each of these components.

3. Conduct secondary research to gather data, trends and facts to inform your report.

4. Collect, organize and analyze the research data.

5. Write a comprehensive research report to assess the feasibility of the potential trade initiative using the Evaluation Criteria as an organizational guide.

Submission Format

Please submit your project (Feasibility Research Report) electronically by uploading it on the appropriate file on the course section on Moodle. Include all parts in a single document (PDF or Word file) or zip-folder.

The project must contain a title page with:

• the name of the company

• the product or service and target market

• the course title (BADM322-Business and Marketing Research)

• the name of the person(s) who prepared the plan

• the date

Plagiarism is NOT tolerated. Evidence of plagiarism will result in a failed examination.

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