Discussion: on Social Media
Discussion: Social Media
Social Media Reflection
Learning Objectives : Preparing and Keeping Up with the Digital Age
Evaluate the preparedness of colleges and universities to students where they are digitally.
Determine methods to ensure your college or university addresses the digital needs of students.
Resources :
Student Services : Schuh, J. H., Jones, S. R., & Torres, V. (2017). Student services: A handbook for the profession. (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons.
Chapter 20: Left Behind: How the Profession of Student Affairs is Underprepared to Meet Students Where They (Digitally) Are
Online Resources
The 2018 digital university: Staying relevant in the digital age
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from Pricewaterhouse Coopers.
Rubin, C. (2013). Technology and the College Generation
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. The New York Times.
Specific instructions :
Respond to the following prompts in the Social Media discussion forum by Wednesday:
Which social media sites and services are congruent with your personal style?
Which ones do you believe are best suited for the way you want to connect with students?
Do you agree with the arguments against the use of social media in student affairs/services? Why or why not?
Comment on the following Responses ( 1 Pargraph)
Response #1 ( S.F )
I do not use social media sites. I am not on Facebook, nor do I want to be. I’m a pretty private person and I value having a small circle of friends that connect in the real world and less in the digital one. I do text and email and I will go to sites that are popular when something strikes my interest, but I usually get frustrated that I have to create a user name and password just to get through so it usually ends there!
Montessori education could be described as anti-technology, though I think if Dr. Maria Montessori was alive today she would have embraced some aspects of it being a progressively science minded woman ahead of her time. Its just that the Method was created at a time when computers and technology were not available and in keeping with “maintaining the system” from its original from we as Montessori teachers have just somehow decided to dismiss that technology can be helpful in the classroom. My Master’s projects delved into the idea of introducing technology with ESL learners in Montessori.
I can’t really see why Student Affairs would need to be so connected to its students generally speaking. There are always some students that would possibly need to have a bit more access, especially in terms of housing issues. But really it doesn’t seem to be an issue that would effect most students. I also think that there does need to be a level of professionalism there and students texting teachers doesn’t work for me.
Response #2 ( A.R) – ( 2 paragraph)
The integration of social media into higher education is having a significant impact on learning and teaching. There are six main types of social media listed within this chapter: social networks, bookmarking sites, social news services, media-sharing websites, microblogging, and blogs themselves (Schuh, Jones, &Torres, 2017). In a university setting, social media can be incredibly useful when it comes to reaching out and engaging with students. It’s a less formal way for Student Affairs/ Services (SAS) to communicate, showing students a more personal side while improving the campus community relationship (Anderson, 2017). Social media as being an interactive method of learning about culture, knowledge and relationships and SAS can learn to use this to their advantage. There are many insights that they can gain through the interactive nature of social media. It is important that we understand that social networks are rather connections of people who can ultimately work together, the benefits are more likely to come to the surface (Anderson, 2017). SAS professionals need to understand how the technologies around them are being used by students in terms of what is normative and beneficial and how some technologies can and do hurt the students (Schuh, Jones, &Torres, 2017). I believe that if SAS combine the idea of social networks with social media, we can see the greatest benefits possible on all accounts. At my HE institution, the student affairs staff created a social media Facebook group for current students geographically separated by COVID-19 campus closures, allowing them to talk to and support each other. The SAS staff overseeing the group would only interject if a question came up that no students could answer. They can get them to use Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp to raise questions they didn’t get the chance to in class. It is important for SAS professionals to understand the difference between social media and social networking.
I think whether social media impacts students’ community can depend on what they are using it for. All of the aspects about social media are not positive; however, if students are approached from an adult normative perspective instead of the youth normative perspective, student affairs educators will be unable to communicate with the students effectively, their overarching goal should be to help students with the positive aspects of technology while minimizing the negative impacts (Schuh, Jones, &Torres, 2017). When students learn how to use social media to their advantage, it can enhance their learning, however if they are using social media as a means to getting quick answers or distractions, their learning can be compromised by the media. Although information is readily available online, it doesn’t mean that that information is correct, and it is important that using it responsibly when using social media (Anderson, 2017). I believe that social media creates opportunity educationally, this Canvas discussion post can even be considered social media in some way. I am for social media because although it can be distracting, it allows students to communicate with other students all over the campus community about different educational topics.
Anderson, T. (2017, September). How communities of inquiry drive teaching and learning in the digital age. Retrieved from https://teachonline.ca/sites/default/files/pdf/enewsletters/how_communities_of_inquiry_drive_teaching_and_learning_in_the_digital.pdf
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Schuh, John H., Susan R. Jones, and. Vasti Torres, 2017. Student Services: A Handbook for the Profession. 6th ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2017.
Edited by Alan Rauf on Nov 25 at 4pm

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