A bible synthesis paper 400 words
Using a story drawn from at least 3 of the Gospels, synthesize the accounts in your own words, providing commentary.
The passage must be inclusive of at least 5 verses in each of the 3 Gospels used. For
So choose three examples of the gospel stories synthesize them in your own words …synthesize five verses of the three gospels
“During the reign of the Roman Caesar Tiberius (Luke 3:1), a man came on the scene in Israel named John the Baptist (Mark 1:4).It’s interesting to note that only the passages in Mark and Matthew use that particular name for him. Otherwise, he is variously known as John, son of Zechariah (Luke 3:2), or just plain John, “a man sent from God” (John 1:6). He must have been quite the sight, since he is regularly described as wearing a garment made of camel’s hair with a leather belt (Mark 1:6) as he went about preaching a message of repentance (Luke 3:2; Mark 1:4; Matthew 1:2)”

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