Travel Assignment

This course is particularly focused on helping you develop visual literacy skills, but all the college courses you take are to some degree about information literacy.

Visual literacy is really just a specialized type of information literacy.

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Travel Assignment
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The skills you acquire in this course will help you become an effective researcher in other fields, as well.

For this assignment, you are going to study one work of art in depth, by virtually traveling to the city in which your one work of art was made. You will study what the city was like when the work of art was made and what that city is like today. Do NOT confuse the city in which the work was made with the city where the work is located today, which is usually a museum.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine where your work of art was actually made. You may need to research this fact first. If you can’t figure it out, choose a different artwork.

You can choose any artwork from any of the museums linked to in the MUSEUM module, but it should be an artwork you did not include in your Museum Timeline and the artwork cannot be made in Houston.




Remember to include one library book citation at the bottom of your 2-page Letter to a Friend and an image of the artwork.

When you upload your assignment your letter will be checked by the Turnitin system for plagiarism. The system will tell you what your similarity score is, you are aiming for under 15%. If your score is higher than 15% edit your letter to reduce its similarity and upload it again. It can take the system a few minutes to check your paper (and up to 24 hours for resubmissions) so if you don’t receive a score immediately remember to check again before the due date. And don’t wait until the last minute!

IMPORTANT: If your submission has more than 15% similarity, your total possible grade will be reduce by the percent match. For example, if you have a similarity score of 25%, that means the maximum grade your paper could earn would be 75% or 75/100 points.

Tip! Students often report that they have difficulty finding the city in which their artwork was originally made without using a library book for background information on the artist and where he lived and worked during the year the work was made.

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