Research paper

Final Paper Objectives.

Using PSSA/PVASS information from your own school, or if you do not have a school, use this link and focus on one school/district – (Links to an external site.)

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You are developing this as a data-driven long-term plan to be presented/read by faculty and families.

Final Paper Tasks.

Decide on which grade level/range and which types of performance indicators for the focus for your paper.
Use the appropriate state data tools to download appropriate information from a school.
Analyze, interpret, and synthesize the information. Be sure to graphically present/provide your data using either a table or a figure. Compare results across schools or over time and across subject areas.
Identify and describe specific student achievement strengths and needs that will be addressed in your long-range plan. In your analysis, demonstrate an understanding of how to analyze data in four domains: achievement, demographic, contextual, and perception.
Describe the components of your long-range plan and clearly show their foundation in your data analysis process.
Identify and describe which data tools will be used to assess the effectiveness of your long-range plan.
Develop and provide and FAQ covering some Anticipated public questions.

Final Paper Organization.

Organize your paper in these sections.

Title page: Include title of paper, the name of your school, your name, and date of the paper.
Section 1: Background. This section includes Final Paper Tasks numbers 1, 2, and 3.
Section 2: Student Strengths and Needs. This section includes Final Paper Tasks number 4.
Section 3: Long-Range Plan to Increase Student Achievement. This section includes Final Paper Tasks number 5.
Section 4: Assessment of the Long-Range Plan. This section includes Final Paper Tasks number 6.
Section 5: Public Questions and Responses. This section includes Final Paper Tasks number 7.



The important thing is when implementing the conditions and using a school from the link above


The writer prefers to have experience in educational leadership

I do not want general words or any other research. I want a clear answer as it is in the terms

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