Linux Implementation Proposal: Training Guide

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Linux Implementation Proposal: Training Guide
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You’ve won the business! Faster Computing has agreed to the project. As the final stage of pre-implementation, you have been asked to produce a training guide that will demonstrate how to install Linux and provide an overview of several common commands, as follows:

(11.1.3: Install the software.)

Use a hypervisor of your choice to install Linux. Many hypervisors are available, such as Oracle’s VirtualBox, which is a free download. In addition, as part of UMGC’s agreement with VMware, you can download VMware Workstation for free. See below for specific screenshot requirements. You should include at least 3 screenshots (e.g., disk partitioning, timezone selection, creating the default account). Each screenshot should be accompanied by a brief explanation of what you did.

NOTE: It is not necessary to include screenshots of installing the hypervisor software.

(1.2.3: Explain specialized terms or concepts to facilitate audience comprehension.)

Demonstrate command-line operations that will provide the following information:

A listing of files in a directory and common file attributes

The current directory (hint: also known as the present working directory)

Create a file, then copy it to a different directory

Create a second file and move it to a different directory

Remove the first file, as well as the copy you created

The manual page for a given command

Create a text file, then use an editor to modify the content. Then display the content of the modified file

(1.4.2: Use vocabulary appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.)

In the above section (demonstrate CLI operations) show the commands with options/arguments (e.g., ls, cp, mv, rm) in your documentation as well as in your screenshots.

(11.2.1: Configure technology according to stakeholder specifications and requirements.)

Show running processes on the system. Demonstrate how to search for a specific process

Forcibly stop a running process

In the above section (demonstrate CLI operations) show the commands with options/arguments (e.g., top, kill, -9, ps) in your documentation as well as in your screenshots.

(13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.)

The deliverable for the final phase of the project is a written paper with screenshots. There is no minimum or maximum page requirement, but all of the requirements must be met. Use the Training Guide Template to record your work. This section will be graded upon the overall usefulness of the training guide to the organization.

(11.3.1: Add and update systems as required.)

This portion of the training guide helps determine your submission is unique.

Important Requirement

On the final screenshot, you need to open a command line and type in the following commands (without the quotes):


“echo CMIT391”

“echo <your name here>” (Replace your name here with your name)

The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. The screenshots must all be your own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted. You must include the specific screenshot listed above or your project will not be accepted.

(1.1.4: Explain the relationship between the ideas presented to enhance clarity and comprehension.)

The training guide must have a cover page, an introduction, summary, and at least 3-5 references.

(1.2.2: Employ a format, style, and tone appropriate to the audience, context, and goal.)

Employ proper spelling and grammar. All Linux commands must be lower case.

(2.2.3: Explain the assumptions underlying viewpoints, solutions, or conclusions.)

In your conclusion of at least a paragraph, summarize why using Linux is beneficial for employees, management, and the organization as a whole.

How Will My Work Be Evaluated?

In this training guide, you will demonstrate how to install Linux and provide an overview of common commands for your client/customer. You’ll be combining your technical skills with effective communication techniques to provide learning resources for the client/customer.

The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:

1.1.4: Explain the relationship between the ideas presented to enhance clarity and comprehension.

1.2.2: Employ a format, style, and tone appropriate to the audience, context, and goal.

1.2.3: Explain specialized terms or concepts to facilitate audience comprehension.

1.4.2: Use vocabulary appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.

2.2.3: Explain the assumptions underlying viewpoints, solutions, or conclusions.

11.1.3: Install the software.

11.2.1: Configure technology according to stakeholder specifications and requirements.

11.3.1: Add and update systems as required.

13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.

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Rubric Name: Linux Implementation Proposal: Training Guide
This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.
Exceeds Performance Requirements
Meets Performance Requirements
Approaches Performance Requirements
Does Not Meet Performance Requirements
Criterion Score
1.1.4: Explain the relationship between the ideas presented to enhance clarity and comprehension.
8 points

Explains fully the relationship between ideas in a way that enhances clarity and fosters comprehension.

6.8 points

Explains the relationship between ideas in a way that enhances clarity and comprehension.

6 points

Attempts to explain the relationship between ideas presented, but the explanation may lack enough clarity for complete comprehension.

0 points

Does not explain the relationship between the ideas presented to enhance clarity and comprehension.

/ 8
1.2.2: Employ a format, style, and tone appropriate to the audience, context, and goal.
8 points

Employs a format, style, and tone completely appropriate to the audience, context, and goal.

6.8 points

Employs a format, style, and tone appropriate to the audience, context, and goal.

6 points

Attempts to employ a format, style, and tone appropriate to the audience, context, and goal, but there are gaps.

0 points

Employs a style that is not appropriate to audience, context, or goal.

/ 8
1.2.3: Explain specialized terms or concepts to facilitate audience comprehension.
8 points

Explains specialized terms or concepts thoroughly and accurately to facilitate audience comprehension.

6.8 points

Explains specialized terms or concepts to facilitate audience comprehension.

6 points

Attempts to explain specialized terms or concepts, but there are problems with the accuracy of the explanation, or the explanation doesn’t enhance audience comprehension.

0 points

Does not explain specialized terms or concepts as needed.

/ 8
1.4.2: Use vocabulary appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.
8 points

Uses enhanced vocabulary highly appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.

6.8 points

Uses vocabulary appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.

6 points

Attempts to use vocabulary for the discipline, genre, and intended audience, but there are lapses and gaps.

0 points

Uses inappropriate vocabulary for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.

/ 8
2.2.3: Explain the assumptions underlying viewpoints, solutions, or conclusions.
8 points

Explains the assumptions underlying viewpoints, solutions, or conclusions in a comprehensive and accurate manner.

6.8 points

Explains the assumptions underlying viewpoints, solutions, or conclusions.

6 points

Attempts to explain the assumptions underlying viewpoints, solutions, or conclusions, but the explanation lacks clarity.

0 points

Does not explain the assumptions underlying viewpoints, solutions, or conclusions.

/ 8
11.1.3: Install software.
15 points

Installs software that is fully functional and appropriate for the given requirements.

12.75 points

Installs software that is appropriate for the given requirements.

11.25 points

Installs software that may not be fully functional and/or appropriate for the given requirements.

0 points

Does not install software.

/ 15
11.2.1: Configure technology according to stakeholder specifications and requirements.
15 points

Configures technology accurately and thoroughly to meet stakeholder specifications and requirements.

12.75 points

Configures technology that meets stakeholder specifications and requirements.

11.25 points

Attempts to configure technology according to stakeholder specifications and requirements.

0 points

Does not configure technology that meets stakeholder specifications and requirements.

/ 15
11.3.1: Add and update systems as required.
15 points

Exceeds all requirements to add and update IT systems.

12.75 points

Meets all requirements to add and update IT systems.

11.25 points

Meets some but not all requirements to add and update IT systems.

0 points

Does not meet requirements to add and update IT systems.

/ 15
13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.
15 points

Creates thorough and accurate IT documentation that exceeds requirements.

12.75 points

Creates IT documentation that meets requirements.

11.25 points

Creates IT documentation that lacks detail and/or does not fully meet requirements.

0 points

Does not create appropriate IT documentation.

/ 15
Rubric Total Score
/ 100
Overall Score
Overall Score
Exceeds Performance Requirements
90 points minimum

Meets Performance Requirements
80 points minimum

Approaches Performance Requirements
70 points minimum

Does Not Meet Performance Requirements
0 points minimum

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