Improving Decision Making
11-11 This project will give you experience using shopping bots to search online for products, find product information, and find the best prices and vendors. Select a digital camera you might want to purchase, such as the Canon PowerShot SX540 or the Olympus Tough TG-5. Visit MySimon (, (, and Google Shopping to do price comparisons for you. Evaluate these shopping sites in terms of their ease of use, number of offerings, speed in obtaining information, thoroughness of information offered about the product and seller, and price selection. Which site or sites would you use, and why? Which camera would you select, and why? How helpful were these sites for making your decision?
Assignment should include:
a. Table in Excel showing the data you collected
b. Findings should then be presented in MS Word document double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, and written in APA format with one-inch margins. Be sure to cite any sources using APA style and formatting. Single-space references and paraphrase only- no quoting. Office integration (e.g., use of tables, charts, etc.) to enhance your output.
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