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The purpose of this assignment is to practice intelligent engagement with an engaging and difficult work through your organization of and reflection upon your initial responses and reactions.



Look back through chapter two of Between the World and Me and try to answer the following questions:

(1) What moment or statement both stuck out to you and resonated with you? Explain why it caught your attention and why it resonated with you. (Ex: Did you agree with it? Why? Did it speak to or line up with your own lived experience? How?)

(2) What moment or statement both stuck out to you and repelled you? Explain why it caught your attention and why it made you upset of uncomfortable. (Ex: Did you disagree with it? Why? Did it not line up with your own lived experience? How?)

(3) What moment or statement stuck out to you and confused you? Explain why it caught your attention and why you didn’t understand it. (Ex: Did you think you understood it but then weren’t sure? Why? Did he seem to be saying two opposite things at once? How?)


Suggested Outline and Required Content

The following outline shows one possible arrangement of the content of your paper as well as all the required content.


  1. Introduction:summarize chapter one (catch us back up on what has happened so far)
  2. 1st Body Paragraph:summarize a specific moment that resonated with you and then explain why

III. 2nd Body Paragraph:summarize a specific moment that repelled you and then explain why

  1. 3rd Body Paragraph:summarize a specific moment that confused you and then explain why
  2. Conclusion:summarizeyour overall feelings about the tone of chapter two: does it sound more hopeful than chapter one? More despairing?Uncertain?Explain why


Format and Guidelines

-Needs to be no less than 3 full pages (not 2½ or 2¾) in a 12-point standard font

-MLA format for citations (Google “MLA citation for book” or “for ebook”)

-Grade will assess grammar and syntax, content, and adherence to format and guidelines


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