Procurement plan

  1. Contract and Procurement Plan document shell
    • Use Microsoft Word
    • Title Page
      1. Course number and name
      2. Project name
      3. Your name
      4. Date
    • Table of Contents
      1. Use autogenerated TOC
      2. Should be a separate page
      3. Maximum of 3 levels deep
      4. Update the fields of the TOC so it is up to date before submitting your project
    • Section Headings (Create each heading on a new page with “TBD” as the content except for sections listed under “New Content” below.)
      1. Project Outline
      2. Make-or-Buy Analysis
      3. Contract Type Selection
      4. Request for Proposal (RFP)
      5. Statement of Work (SOW)
      6. Source Selection Criteria
      7. Procurement Contract Award
      8. Procurement Risks
      9. Procurement Management Process
      10. Contract Administration Process
      11. Change Control Process
      12. Quality Control Plan
      13. Performance Reporting Plan
      14. Project Procurement Legal Rights and Responsibilities
      15. Project Procurement Closeout
  2. New Content (to be Inserted in document shell)
    • Project Outline
      1. Give a brief description of the project.
      2. Material taken from approved proposal submitted to instructor will serve as the draft for the proposal.
      3. Project must be approved by the instructor.
    • Make-or-Buy Analysis
      1. Discuss why the procurement portion of the selected project is going to be sourced out (or bought).
      2. Discuss the pros and cons of making (or keeping within the project team) versus outsourcing.
      3. Include a financial and schedule deadline justification.
    • Contract Type Selection
      1. Discuss the pros and cons of at least 3 contract types for this project.
      2. Identify the final contract type selected, with a justification.


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Procurement plan
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