Option four: examine a poem that deals with love or eroticism, and relate it to other poems on this topic.
Possibilities include Anonymous, “Alison”; Anonymous, “Western Wind”; Anonymous, “There Is a Lady Sweet and Kind”; Sir Walter Raleigh, “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd”; Edmund Spenser, excerpts from Amoretti; Sir Philip Sidney, excerpts from Astrophil and Stella; Samuel Daniel, excerpts from Delia; Michael Drayton, excerpts from Idea; Christopher Marlowe, “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”; Thomas Campion, “My Sweetest Lesbia”; John Donne, “The Good-Morrow”; Ben Jonson, “Though I Am Young and Cannot Tell”; Lady Mary Wroth, three sonnets from A Crown of Sonnets Dedicated to Love; George Herbert, “Love (III)”; John Milton, “Methought I Saw”; Andrew Marvell, “The Definition of Love”; Lord Byron, “She Walks in Beauty,” “When We Two Parted,” “So We’ll Go No More A-Roving”; Elizabeth Barrett Browning, excerpts from Sonnets from the Portuguese; Dickinson, #249 (“Wild Nights—WildNights!”); e. e. Cummings, “somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond”; Robert Graves, “Love Without Hope”; W. H. Auden, “As I Walked Out One Evening”; Theodore Roethke, “I Knew a Woman”; Gary Snyder, “Four Poems for Robin”; Adrienne Rich, “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” and “Living in Sin.”

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