Marketing Plan
Executive Summary – a condensed overview of the marketing plan
- Introduction – description of the business; product/service analysis
- Business Objectives – of the organization, and the specific Marketing Objectives. Explain how
to the proposed event/activities contributes to these objectives
- A Situational Analysis (economic climate, financially status of the organization, demand trends,
political environment, competitors, etc). Discuss the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats)
- 5. A summary of Consumer Information – discuss information that you have obtained on the
organization’s consumers (due to primary or secondary research). Additionally, discuss the means
of obtaining consumer information via a marketing information system.
- Marketing Strategies
- A discussion and presentation of a strategy for Market Segmentation
- What will serve as a basis for segmentation, and why?
- Provide an analysis and rationale for selecting the target markets
- A discussion of the product (what is the core product, what are the product extensions?)
- A discussion and presentation of the Pricing Strategies
- A discussion of the Place the event is held and the means of its Distribution
- A comprehensive Promotional Plan. Discuss the means in which you will promote this
event/activity. Include the elements such as advertising, personal selling, promotional licensing,
public relations activities, etc.)
- Develop a plan to secure Corporate Sponsorships & Ticket Sales
- Public Relations Campaign
- Discussion of methods to evaluate your plan after it has been implemented

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