Inpatient Falls in Freestanding Children’s Hospitals

Written Assignments

Good writing skills are an essential professional competency. In order to assist students in strengthening their writing skills, the Instructor will grade grammar, spelling and format in addition to content in all written assignments.

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Inpatient Falls in Freestanding Children’s Hospitals
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Unless otherwise instructed, all assignments must follow the Written Assignment Protocols listed below. Up to 20% of each assignment grade will be based upon successfully following these protocols (except as noted below). NOTE: Student is expected to respond to Instructor comments and recommendations to improve writing skills which may include utilization of the Academic Success Center. If no improvement in writing skills is evident on subsequent assignment(s), student may receive a grade of ‘0’ on the entire assignment(s).

Written Assignment Protocols:

· Standard mechanics of a paper to include:

o Title Page

o Introduction

o Body

o Conclusion

o Reference page

· Avoid use of contractions

· Avoid use of personal pronouns

· Be sure to cite and/or quote appropriately (refer to policy on plagiarism)

o Wikipedia is NOT an academic source

· Proof read your paper in addition to using spellcheck (proper grammar and spelling will be graded).

· Remember – written communication is more formal than verbal communication. Do not write the way you speak. Hint: write a draft and rework the next day.

· Page length – does not include title or reference pages

o A ‘2 page paper’ is not a page and a half. Two pages is a minimum of two FULL pages but not much more

o “At least 2 pages” means 2 or more pages (no maximum)

o “2 to 3 pages” means a minimum of 2 pages but not more than 3 pages

· Formatting

o Title Page – Must be centered both vertically and horizontally and include

o Assignment Title

o Course Number and Name

o Instructor Name

o Student Name

o Date

o 1 inch margins (top, bottom and sides)

o New Times Roman 12 pt font

o Double spaced

o No extra space between paragraphs (be careful as Microsoft Word sometimes automatically puts an extra ½ space – you need to manually disable this)

o 5 space indent at beginning of paragraphs

o Appropriate in-text citations using APA 6th Edition format

Appropriate references using APA 6th EditionWritten Assignments

Good writing skills are an essential professional competency. In order to assist students in strengthening their writing skills, the Instructor will grade grammar, spelling and format in addition to content in all written assignments.

Unless otherwise instructed, all assignments must follow the Written Assignment Protocols listed below. Up to 20% of each assignment grade will be based upon successfully following these protocols (except as noted below). NOTE: Student is expected to respond to Instructor comments and recommendations to improve writing skills which may include utilization of the Academic Success Center. If no improvement in writing skills is evident on subsequent assignment(s), student may receive a grade of ‘0’ on the entire assignment(s).

Written Assignment Protocols:

· Standard mechanics of a paper to include:

o Title Page

o Introduction

o Body

o Conclusion

o Reference page

· Avoid use of contractions

· Avoid use of personal pronouns

· Be sure to cite and/or quote appropriately (refer to policy on plagiarism)

o Wikipedia is NOT an academic source

· Proof read your paper in addition to using spellcheck (proper grammar and spelling will be graded).

· Remember – written communication is more formal than verbal communication. Do not write the way you speak. Hint: write a draft and rework the next day.

· Page length – does not include title or reference pages

o A ‘2 page paper’ is not a page and a half. Two pages is a minimum of two FULL pages but not much more

o “At least 2 pages” means 2 or more pages (no maximum)

o “2 to 3 pages” means a minimum of 2 pages but not more than 3 pages

· Formatting

o Title Page – Must be centered both vertically and horizontally and include

o Assignment Title

o Course Number and Name

o Instructor Name

o Student Name

o Date

o 1 inch margins (top, bottom and sides)

o New Times Roman 12 pt font

o Double spaced

o No extra space between paragraphs (be careful as Microsoft Word sometimes automatically puts an extra ½ space – you need to manually disable this)

o 5 space indent at beginning of paragraphs

o Appropriate in-text citations using APA 6th Edition format

Appropriate references using APA 6th Edition

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