For this paper you will compare and analyze the different primary documents available on Blackboard (attached pdf or doc.: located at the top). Write your paper in MS WORD and attach it to the assignment. This assignment has three objectives:
1) Students must summarize all of the documents You can group similar authors together by theme (Summary) 20%
2) Students must describe how they are different. You can group them together by theme (Analysis) 30%
3) Students will need to argue (with evidence) which was the most “effective” (you decide what defines effective: most informative, emotional, clear, etc…) for its time period. (Argument) 50%
You should present your findings in an essay/narrative form. This is not a research paper do not use any other sources besides the ones provided.
You MUST cite all sources (documents paraphrased or quoted). Use a bibliography or works cited page. Treat each document as an individual document (not from a collection). If there is any missing citation material replace it/them with “course pack”. You do not need a cover page.

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