In patients with ESRD, Spiritual health determines
Paper Title
Start with an introduction. It is worth 10 points. More importantly, it provides the background the reader needs to more fully understand your paper. You do not need a section header for the introduction. The introduction should include information about why the topic is important. How many people live with the condition (prevalence) or are newly diagnosed (incidence) or die each year (death rate)? What is the impact on a person’s life (work, family, pain, mobility, cost, etc.)? What is the societal cost (health care costs, lost productivity)? Remember to cite your sources in APA 7th edition format.
The introduction may also be used to define the condition and/or the interventions. This might include brief pathophysiology of the condition. It might explain definitions of a condition, such as: when baby blues becomes post-partum depression or post-partum psychosis, what is disordered eating, what medications are involved in the opioid crisis. It might define the intervention. For instance, if exploring use of aromatherapy – How does it work in the brain? What oils are used and how are they administered? If exploring early mobility – does this mean only walking or also ROM or PROM? Remember to cite your sources.
Finally, let the reader know what to expect in the rest of the paper. Use a sentence such as: This paper will explore the question of whether ___ intervention is effective in achieving ___ outcome effective for ___ population. We will explore this question in terms of theme 1, theme 2, and theme 3 [using descriptive words for each theme or topic]. Note that the themes should NOT be each article individually, but rather should be about similarities you found in the articles, perhaps related to efficacy or cost or comfort or barriers, etc. Using themes helps the reader stay focused when reading the paper and also helps you combine the discussion of articles that have similar findings.
Section Described by Theme/TopicOne
Discuss the research related to a few themes. For this paper, strive for two to four themes. The body of the paper is worth 45 points. Three points are for paragraphs being coherent, so organizing by themes will help immensely. Thirty points are for discussing the findings from research related to nursing and collaborative interventions. This discussion would be per theme, so you may discuss one research study related to one or more themes. Your discussing by theme helps demonstrate critical thinking about the research studies and how they might impact nursing practice. As mentioned previously, this should NOT be a rephrasing of the information from your literature search tables. It should be about your understanding of what the study was trying to say related to your question.
Twelve points are for discussing six research studies related to your question. Each study must be discussed and cited in the paper itself and also be on the reference page. You may have additional articles or websites that provided information about significance, definitions, etc. These do not count as the six research studies. The six studies should be the same as those evaluated during the term with your literature search charts.
For each paragraph, include information related to the theme and how the research supports or does not support it. Avoid really long paragraphs. It is acceptable for each section to have multiple paragraphs as long as they all relate to the theme.
Section Described by Theme/Topic Two
Discuss the research related to this theme or topic. For each paragraph, include information related to the theme and how the research supports or does not support it. Avoid really long paragraphs. It is acceptable for each section to have multiple paragraphs as long as they all relate to the theme.
Section Described by Theme/Topic Three
Discuss the research related to this theme or topic. For each paragraph, include information related to the theme and how the research supports or does not support it. Avoid really long paragraphs. It is acceptable for each section to have multiple paragraphs as long as they all relate to the theme.
Summarize the key concepts or themes that you described in the paper. Include your personal thoughts about whether the research articles reflect evidence-based nursing.Describe your personal evaluation of the strength of the evidence.
Is the evidence strong enough to recommend the intervention? If so – how would you implement this in the clinical setting? What is the nurse’s role? If not – what further research would you recommend in order to strengthen the evidence one way or the other?
This is worth 15 points out of 100, so it needs to be more than a few sentences. Consider aiming for approximately one-half page. Make sure your summary is related to your initial question and addresses the questions in the rubric.

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