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Questions and Client Responses:


Priority Teaching Topic:

How did the client demonstrate an understanding of the teaching?

What barriers did you encounter?

What would you do differently when teaching on this material in the future?





Questions and Client Responses:


Priority Teaching Topic:

How did the client demonstrate an understanding of the teaching?

What barriers did you encounter?

What would you do differently when teaching on this material in the future?






Questions and Client Responses:


Priority Teaching Topic:

How did the client demonstrate an understanding of the teaching?

What barriers did you encounter?

What would you do differently when teaching on this material in the future?




Nursing Care Plan


Nursing Diagnosis (full statement correctly written):

SMART Outcome #1:

Nursing Intervention #1:

Nursing Intervention #2:

SMART Outcome #2:

Nursing Intervention #1:

Nursing Intervention #2:


Care Plan Progression/Modification

            Describe in detail how your client is progressing through your developed care plan in the first and second check-in. Describe in detail what modifications you needed to make to your SMART Goals, outcomes, and interventions.

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