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ENC 1101 – Crombie Critical Response Essay – Argument FALL 2020


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In this essay you will write a critical response to an argument. This is the kind of writing you will do if you take ENC 1102 – Argument and Persuasion. The essay should be typed and double-spaced and be documented in the MLA format with at least two sources, one of which should be from the TCC Database. The essay should be at least five paragraphs long.

A good critical response agrees with, disagrees with or analyzes an argument. In doing so, you also help your readers understand how and why the topic is important. Don’t forget to use at least two sources, and document your paper in the MLA format including a Works Cited page. Remember to use the present tense (literary present tense) to discuss the work and what the author has done in the work; for example, Robert Jones addresses… or The article shows how….

The essay should not have first person “I” or second person “you.”


Follow these instructions:

1. Write a journal about your topic.

2. Write a Reading Log about your topic.

3. Use the reading log and journal to help you write an outline for a seven paragraph essay, and submit it to Canvas by the deadline for extra credit.

4. Use the outline to write a rough draft of the essay and submit it to Canvas by the deadline for extra-credit.

5. Do revisions and submit a carefully proofread and formatted final draft to Canvas by the deadline. Turn the essay in on time; late papers lose twenty points.


Consider this method of organization:


INTRODUCTION (one or more paragraphs)

• Interest your readers with a lead-in “hook”; e.g., a striking quotation from the work, a provocative question, an anecdote or example.

• Offer a brief summary of the argument that describes and introduces the work; include the author’s full name and the title.

. State your thesis as an introduction to the response i.e. how you feel about the argument – agree and/or disagree with the author or your analysis of the argument.


BODY (three or more paragraphs)

• Return to your thesis and offer support for your contentions. Discuss the reasons you feel the way you do about the authors argument. You might connect the issue to other relevant experiences. You could also consider analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the argument. Other things to think about when discussing argumentative essays are structure, point of view, and tone/voice. When dealing with an issue, you might consider talking about why people feel the way they do and how the author is affecting the readers. In any case, your job here is to make a point about the work and support it with examples and illustrations from the texts. It may help you to remember that when you are writing critically, your interpretation or analysis can’t be wrong.

. Use at least two specific quotes from the text you chose to help frame your critical response.

• Arrange your paragraphs to most effectively deliver your viewpoints to your reader. Usually this means that you deal with small bits of the piece in the body of your essay, which leads to your overall judgement at the end.


CONCLUSION (one or more paragraphs)

• Restate your thesis.

• Offer readers an overview of your commentary about the argument.


ENC 1101 – Crombie Critical Response Essay – Literature FALL 2020


In this essay you will write a critical response to a short story or poem. This is the kind of writing you will do if you take ENC 1141 – Writing about Literature. The essay should be typed and double-spaced and be documented in the MLA format with at least two sources, one of which should be from the TCC Database. The essay should be at least five paragraphs long.

A good critical response agrees with, interprets and/or analyzes a story or poem. In doing so, you also help your readers understand how and why the topic is important. Don’t forget to use at least two sources, and document your paper in the MLA format including a Works Cited page. Remember to use the present tense (literary present tense) to discuss the work and what the author has done in the work; for example, Robert Jones addresses… or The poem shows how….

The essay should NOT have first person “I” or second person “you.”



Consider this method of organization:

INTRODUCTION (one or more paragraphs)

• Interest your readers with a lead-in “hook”; e.g., a striking quotation from the work, a provocative question, an anecdote or example.

• Offer a brief summary of the poem or story that describes and introduces the work; include the author’s full name and the title.

. State your thesis as an introduction to the response i.e. how you feel about the story or poem – your analysis of it and/or the author’s purpose.


BODY (three or more paragraphs)

• Return to your thesis and offer support for your contentions. Discuss the reasons you feel the way you do about the story or poem. You might connect the issue to other relevant experiences. You could also consider analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the story or poem. Other things to think about when discussing literature are structure, point of view, and tone/voice. When dealing with poems, you might consider talking about particular stanzas or lines. Discussing stories could include plot, setting, action or character. In any case, your job here is to make a point about the work and support it with examples and illustrations from the texts. It may help you to remember that when you are writing critically, your interpretation or analysis can’t be wrong.

. Use at least two specific quotes from the text you chose to help frame your critical response.

• Arrange your paragraphs to most effectively deliver your viewpoints to your reader. Usually this means that you deal with small bits of the piece in the body of your essay, which leads to your overall judgement at the end.


CONCLUSION (one or more paragraphs)

• Restate your thesis.

• Offer readers an overview of your commentary about the story or poem.

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