Economic analysis

The final paper should analyze a public policy problem/an observed public economic phenomenon using the tools of economic analysis learned in the course. The paper should present a problem, analyze it from the perspective of economics, and provide a recommendation for a policymaker.

It should focus on the economic implications of the problem. In your recommendation you can consider other factors, but the focus should be economic analysis (e.g., demand-supply analysis, cost-benefit analysis, efficiency vs. equity, etc). Be sure to integrate into the discussion how the Christian worldview influences your analysis and recommendation. The paper will be evaluated using the following guidelines below:
-3,500 – 4,000 words
-APA-compliant formatting, including title and Reference pages
-Include biblical foundations application section (500 – 750 words)
-Minimum of eight scholarly references

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Economic analysis
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Please use the book we used in class along with the Holy Bible. These will be 2 out of 8 references (see below):

Gwartney, J. D., Stroup, R. L., Sobel, R. S., & Macpherson, D. A. (2018). Economics: Private and public choice (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 9781305506725

The Holy Bible

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