Benefits to membership in my community

So I shared 3 essays with you. 1) benefits essay. which is all about facts and research stuff. 2) annotated bib. all the sources I used for my benefits essay. 3) observation essay. which is my side and opinion about the gym community and its benefits to my life.
so for this essay it says ”
The Benefits to Membership in Your Community: You will write a 4-5 page essay in which you make a clear argument about the benefits enjoyed by members in your community. This argument will include support from at least two of the sources you identify and detail in the annotated bibliography. (250 points)

so its the final essay. like a mixture of all my essays. how the work out community benefits the members, myself and in general. with sources and all. mla format.
idk if you write the headers or stuff but my name is raneem musleh, date put nov 6, dr. dow, com-101-304. any questions let me know. I just want to know how soon can you have it done and how much. again thank you

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Benefits to membership in my community
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