
1- Read through your peer’s post carefully, and then answer the following questions:

a. In your own words, identify the argument of your peer’s persuasive essay. What are they aiming to prove?
b. Has your peer adequately addressed opposing viewpoints?
c. Which of the summaries (or which sections of the summaries) could use more clarification? How could your peer’s summaries be improved? Please paste an example and, if appropriate, offer your own edits.
d. Has your peer provided adequate credentialing information? If so, how can you tell the source is credible? If not, what could your peer add to note the reliability of the source?
e. Do the sources your peer describes in the annotated bibliography connect to their argument in a clear and easy-to-understand manner? If so, how so? If not, what are some ways in which your peer could strengthen those connections?
f. Does your peer acknowledge a counter-argument in one of the annotations? If a counterargument is presented, do they provide a persuasive rebuttal? If no counterargument is presented, can you anticipate some of the objections your peer should take into consideration?
g. Evaluate the sources your peer has selected. Which sources do you find to be the strongest? Why do you think they are strong, and how do they support your peer’s key points? Are there ways the sources could support those key points that your peer has overlooked? Be specific.

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