Personal narrative

For your writing assignment, you’ll write a personal essay, which can also be referred to as a personal narrative. The essay that you produce must be based solely on your first-hand personal experience(s), told from the first-person point of view, and meet the given length requirement of 750 to 2,500 words. Within this assignment, we’ll provide information to help you effectively write from a first-person point of view. In short, this will be an essay about you.

The essay that you write should tell a story that will represent who “you” are to your audience—people who don’t know you personally. It should be completely original and shouldn’t contain any type of research; your story should be told entirely from thoughts and memories. Instead of relying on research to construct your essay, you’ll rely on your own memory and awareness of people and surroundings. This will ensure that your writing is credible, ethical, and authentic.

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Personal narrative
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