
This week you will put all of the parts of your final project together. You will take all of the parts you have written in this course and add and intro, transition sentences, a conclusion and a reference page to finish your final project.  The new parts you are writing this week are in orange:


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transition sentence


transition sentence


transition sentence

Cause and effect 1

Cause and effect 2

Cause and effect 3





Use the template to make a final version of your paper.  APAFormatTemplate with Outline for CAT_1_.doc

You need an APA cover page.
A full-sentence outline using the topic sentences from your paragraphs.
The paper, including images of your art.
an introduction
a conclusion
a reference page using http://www.citationmachine.net/apa/cite-a-website


Sample Introductions/Transitions/Conclusions  Intro with Thesis


Like What makes art great/What is art/Why do we learn from the past


What makes a successful person successful?  Some say it is how much money they make, or perhaps how famous they are.  But success often is measured through the lens of time.  If someone is viewed as successful a hundred years after they died, we can say their success has stood the test of time.  Looking at two artists, Van Gogh and Wyeth, we have one that was not successful during his life and another who was.  However, years after his death Van Gogh’s art has stood the test of time, and the jury is still out on Wyeth.  Comparing two pictures of a room by these artists shows how differences in the artists’ lives, religion and culture can produce differences in their art.

CONCLUSION Mirrors the introduction and restates the thesis.

In this paper we have tried to look at what makes successful art.  We saw that Wyeth and Van Goghs, life, religion and culture influenced their art work in general, and Wind and Room at Arles  in particular.  While Van Gogh’s crazy life can clearly be seen in his crazy paintings, Wyeth’s life of artistic discipline also shows up in his dark, studied, detailed canvases.  Van Gogh died a poor starving artist, but Wyeth’s family connection ensured his success.  So far, time has judged Van Gogh the more successful artist.  The jury is still out on Wyeth.

Transition: either at the end of the section above or the beginning of the next section.
You need at least a sentence of transition between each section.
Description  Example: Now that we understand how these works of art look, we need to understand what school of art they belong to.

Example: Now that I have shown that Van Gogh is a Fauvist and Wyeth is a Realist, we need to compare their paintings in detail.

Example: So these paintings clearly differ in value, subject matter and their use of line.  But why are they different?  What is it about the artist and his life and times which made the art what it is?


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