Any topic you think is easy and understandable

Speech Outline (20 points)

For each speech you deliver you are to draft an outline of the speech beforehand and submit to the instructor to be graded.

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Use the following format to organize and develop your outline. If your outline is not submitted in this outline format, it will not be accepted, and you will receive a 0 for the assignment.

Topic of Speech: __________________________________________

Opening statement/attention grabber

Audience relevance

Credibility of speaker

Thesis statement

Preview of main points

Insert transition statement here.

I. Main point
a. Sub-point or supporting evidence b. Sub-point or supporting evidence

Insert transition statement here.

II. Main point, sub-topic, supporting evidence a. Sub-sub-point

b. Sub-sub-point

Insert transition statement here.

III. Main point, sub-topic, supporting evidence a. Sub-sub-point

b. Sub-sub-point

Insert transition statement here.

IV. Main point, sub-topic, supporting evidence (4th Main Point is OPTIONAL) a. Sub-sub-point

b. Sub-sub-point


Signal closing

Restate thesis statement

Review main points

Closing statement—“The Clincher”

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