Stowe’s “Cabin” and Brown’s Raid
Stowe’s “Cabin” and Brown’s Raid
1. Please examine both document sets #2 and 3 in chapter 14 of Voices and respond to the following questions.
2. What do you think about the reactions to Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
3. What do you think about the contention of Southerners that slaves were better off than northern factory operators?
4. What do think Stowe meant by her comments on “Black Potential” in the last textual document? Do they have relevance today?
5. Do you think violence is justified to rectify a situation that is morally wrong…to bring justice to an immoral situation?
6. Was John Brown’s raid a justifiable attack on the institution of slavery? Did it have any chance of working?
7. What do think of Garrison equating Washington and other participants in the American Revolution to John Brown?
8. How do explain Lincoln’s comments at Cooper Union about John Brown?
Please give the answer to the point and attached the documents
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