Self Discovery

· Write and submit a 7-page rough draft of the documented essay on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. The rough draft must be a full 7 pages of text. The rough draft must include direct and indirect quotations from the novel, Frankenstein. The rough draft must include at least 3 representative quotations from Frankenstein. Direct and indirect quotations from the 6 secondary sources must be included in the rough draft. The 6 secondary sources used for this assignment must consist of: journal articles (dated 1980 to present). The secondary sources must be written about the writer’s chosen topic and Shelley’s 1818 edition of Frankenstein. The secondary sources used for the rough draft must be those sources chosen for the Abstract assignment and the Thesis and Formal Sentence Outline assignment.

· The first page of your assignment must include a working title for the documented essay.

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· At least two literary terms must be used in the writing of the rough draft.

· This assignment must be submitted typed, in standard MLA format (double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, and proper page numbering, which includes the student’s last name in the header). The rough draft must be written in third-person, in present tense, and must contain proper referencing. A Works Cited must be included with the rough draft. Please proofread the rough draft carefully.

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