Literature as Social Commentary

Background: In this unit, we have discussed Valeria Luiselli’s book Tell Me How It Ends. We noted the use of language to describe the children and the impact that terms have when discussing migrant children. Some of you noted the lack of empathy on this issue from the public. Others highlighted the dangers of these children’s journey. And in each post or class discussion, we questioned our own role in this crisis. We debated whether or not these portrayals are biased or if they provide an accurate depiction of the migrant children crisis. You have made notes on these topics and formed your position.
Option 1: In class, we have talked about the role of writers in our society. Valeria Luiselli falls in the camp of writers that believes that it is a writer’s responsibility to address the ills of society. Given her stance, how well does Luiselli’s text illuminate or not illuminate the treatment of children in the immigration court system? Is her portrayal biased or does her work provide an accurate depiction of the unaccompanied child migrant crisis? Use the text to support your position.
Option 2: In class, we have talked about the role of writers in our society. Valeria Luiselli falls in the camp of writers that believes that it is a writer’s responsibility to address the ills of society. In her text, the underlying message seems to be directed at us, the readers. What responsibility does the reader have in responding to a text? In this case, if the author is challenging the reader, what is the challenge directed at us as readers?

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