Final Evaluation
Students will write Final Evaluation Paper, at least 2500-3000 words (8-10 pages double-spaced).
The final version will be submitted via TurnItIn. Your final papers are graded for content with unedited papers (i.e., grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling errors) graded to reflect the effectiveness of the argument. If the presentation is sloppy, the grade will reflect it. Please use the tutoring services for assistance with writing your final paper. Students are required to submit via TurnItIn to assess original content. Please refer to Hostos’s policies on academic integrity and plagiarism. If you plagiarize as defined as >30% TurnItIn score on your final paper, you will receive a 0 for the paper.
The Most Important Discussion
Make the connection between your dietary intake, physical activity level, the dietary recommendations, possible nutrient excess or deficiency, health status, and your actual weight.
This final paper must discuss how you have improved (or not improved) your health, dietary behavior, and physical activity level. What barriers have you overcome and/or are still facing?
You should be able to discuss in detail what factors have contributed to your great and/or poor health through your dietary behavior and physical activity level.
Note: For this assignment you must only submit Part 3 Final Evaluation Paper (NOT Part 1 Baseline, NOT Part 2 Post-Assessment, and NOT Part 3 Draft Outline).
The Final Evaluation must contain the following.
You must number your answers. Do NOT include the questions.
A comparison of your Part 1 Baseline Assessment and your Part 2 Post-Assessment results. Meaning, you will discuss the differences of your actual dietary intakes and physical activities (before and after) and the dietary guideline recommendations of
Discuss if you were able to follow the ACTION PLAN that you wrote in Part 1 Baseline Assessment.
Write down the improvements, if any, you noticed between your Part 1 Baseline Assessment and Part 2 Post-Assessment (compare the assessments). How much improvements were made? Name and describe the exact improvements?
What did you learn about yourself and your habits?
How easy or difficult was it for you to stick to your plan? Explain why.
At what “Stage of Behavior Change” are you now in? Explain why you are in that stage. (Review Chapter 1, page 18.)
Discuss your height, weight, and BMI. Explain what it means in terms of your personal/family health, weight history, and age. Show and explain your work.
Discuss what foods you EAT IN EXCESS but are not recommended in the website. Explain why you tend to consume those foods? Explain why portion control is important. What are the consequences of overeating some of the foods? (This should be discussed in terms of the nutritional value of each food item and the medical risk associated with each food.) For example, “I drank too much soda. Soda provides too much sugar and empty calories. If I continue with this habit, it can result to obesity.”
Discuss what foods you DO NOT eat but are recommended in the website. Why do you tend not to consume those foods? Explain why portion control is important. What are the consequences of not eating those foods? (This should be discussed in terms of the nutritional value of each food item and the medical risk associated with each food.) For example: “I do not drink enough milk or dairy products. I am not consuming foods that have enough calcium and Vitamin D, which could result in low bone density and heart disease when I am older.”
Discuss your intake of water and other liquids. How much water and liquids should you consume daily? What are the health benefits of drinking enough water? Explain why portion control is important. What happens when you do not drink enough water?
Discuss your intake of fiber. How much soluble or insoluble fibers do you normally intake? Explain why portion control is important. What are the health benefits of consuming soluble fibers and insoluble fibers? How do fibers help your digestive tract? How much more water do you need to drink when consuming fibrous foods (provide amount of water per fibrous foods)?
Discuss your intake of whole fruits, juices, and fruit drinks. Explain how much servings (in terms of ounces) should be consumed with each product. Explain why portion control is important. What are the benefits/problems associate with each food product?
Discuss your intake of vegetables (dark greens and orange versus starchy vegetables and legumes)? Explain how much servings (in terms of ounces) should be consumed with each product. Explain why portion control is important. What are the benefits/problems associate with each food product? Did you select foods that were fried, baked, fresh or etc.
Discuss your intake of oils and fried foods. Explain why you like to consume those foods. Why is this product so tasty? Explain why portion control is important. What are the benefits and problems associate with each food product?
Discuss your intake of sweets and junk foods. Explain why you like to consume those foods. Why is this product so tasty? Explain why portion control is important. What are the benefits and problems associate with each food product?
How can I receive maximum credit?
Complete all components of the assignment and follow ALL instructions.
Be honest. You are not being judged. It is fine if you are not able to change your dietary habits over the course of a few weeks. This project is to help you understand yourself better.
Turn your Journal in on time.
Check your work with the RUBICS scoring and Student Learning Outcome Assessment for Journal (both are included in the Syllabus) to ensure that your work is completed.
Did you cover everything? (Checklist)
Did you track and compare my dietary intakes and physical activity levels over a total of two sets of two days (two consecutive days for Part 1 Baseline Assessment and two days for Part 2 Post-Assessment)?
Did you developed plans to improve your dietary intake and physical activity levels?
Did you type Part 3 Final Evaluation?
Did you include your BMI evaluation and discussed the results?
Did you include a cover page, name, date, and page numbers?
Did you numbered and answer all the questions?
Are all your questions in complete sentences?
Is your paper neat?
Did you write in Formal English? MAKE SURE your writing is thoughtful and comprehensive. Your paper must be written in FORMAL ENGLISH ( and must be typed! Do NOT write in emojis, emoticons, hieroglyphs, abbreviations, idioms, lingo, slang, or conversational English. Write above your level to strengthen your writing abilities.
Did you proofread? Look for autocorrect, spellcheck, and typos in the entire document?
Submit your papers via Blackboard. I do not accept physical papers or papers via email.

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