Disney International Advertising Campaign Comparisons
Purpose of the Assignment This project exposes you to the current and previous international advertising campaigns and helps sharpen your critical thinking skills in analyzing advertising/marketing campaigns, as well as evaluating the effectiveness for the cases. You will analyze or compare TWO current or previous campaigns of ONE global brand across TWO different countries for marketing efforts such as advertising/marketing campaign, or branding
I would like to see the strong connection between your knowledge you have learned so far from this course and the final report. Please look over all the slides. We have discussed global branding, international marketing environment, cultural environment including Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, the relationship between media usage and culture, creative strategies related to culture, advertising media, research to develop the campaigns, social responsibility, ethics, and regulatory consideration, etc. You might need to have a dynamic perspective to evaluate the campaigns reflecting all the subjects we discussed. In addition, all your report should be based on secondary sources.
Make a references page about sources you used at the end of your report.
1. A minimum of 5 sources is required (yes, the case itself counts as one of the 5 sources if you so choose).
2. Include at least one visual aid for each campaign as appendix to help explain your cases. This aid could be a Web video clip, image file, flier you printed out from the Web, a hand-out, a brochure, or a commercial. The specific aid selected is up to you.
The following is an outline of material that should be covered by the final report:
Case Studies
I. Campaign 1: Country 1
1. Campaign Overview – 2pt
2. Background/Situation (Issue/ Challenge):
a. State background information in terms of company, product/brand, consumer, market, industry, and competition (e.g. You might look for how your brand is doing in each country from secondary resources such as Mintel, Statista, MarketLine, and Hoover.) – 8pt
b. Cultural environment (economic, social, political, regulatory environment)
and cultural characteristics that may influence the campaign (Read Chapter 3,4, and 9) – 15pt
i. Please also remind the assignment 1 you created a report market research regarding long-term political and social issues, business environment, and industry status, etc. You might need to similar works with the assignment for each country.
3. Marketing/Promotion strategies: What specific communication strategies (concepts,
message, tactics, or channel)? (if available) – 5pt
a. How cultural values reflected in advertising, there are culturally specific appeals? What type of creative strategy or execution was used? what media specifically used for each campaign? any research was conducted to develop the campaigns?
i. Promotions Strategies and Rationale (support with research)
ii. Promotional Executions
iii. Media Strategies (support with research)
4. Evaluation/Critique: Provide critiques. – 10pt
a. Please evaluate the campaign based on the country’s background situation, cultural dimension, etc.
II. Campaign 2: Country 2 – 40pt
a. Please see the list of contents of Campaign 1: Country 1
III.Conclusion: comparison– 20pt
Analyze the similarities and differences between campaigns for each country (based on demographic, economic, geographic, political, regulatory, cultural consideration that may influence the campaign)
• How different the message and media strategies?
• Please consider the cultural dimensions of the three countries. Based on situation analysis and Hofstede’s cultural dimension, compare those three campaigns. How culture environment was reflected in the campaigns (module 6,7,9), whether your brand employs standardization or specialization of campaigns (module 10), how the characteristics of media consumption of the country were reflected for the campaign executions (module 8, 11), any regulation or ethical value was considered for the campaign, etc.

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