“Creative Revictimization Project”

Assignment Description: This project will be focused on the restoration, healing, and/or recovery aspects for victims. Students will research and discuss an alternative method that can help victims recover from the impact of a crime. This project will focus on how a victim can become a survivor and create a “new normal” in their life. This project is not limited to the discussion of how the victim’s friends and loved ones are impacted and it is important to discuss how they can also gain restoration after victimization has occurred. Project Discussion Highlights: * Briefly discuss a crime that a human can be a victim of: (sexual assault, domestic violence, elder abuse, child abuse, etc.) * Impact of crime on the victim, family, friends, and society * What is physical, emotional, mental impact? * Helpful Victim Services * Describe Alternative Restoration/Recovery Method * Discuss transformation of Victim to Survivor * Why is it important for Victims to recover? * How do victims create a “New Normal” Typed outline of your presentation with references (minimum of 3 outside resources, APA, MLA, Chicago format) *** NOTE THE TEACHER DOESNT WANT US TO USE COUNSLING AS A METHOD TO RECOVERY SHE WANTS US TO USE THINGS LIKE “YOGA, MUSIC THEREPY HELP GROUPS. SHE WANTS THIS TO BE CREATIVE

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