write a 3-4 page essay. Be sure to include two sources to help prove your argument, and be sure to cite your sources correctly in the paper. MLA FORMATION

1. In what ways does the media affect society or shape social norms? Choose a type of programming or format and demonstrate the effect?

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Essay #4:  How We Watch


Choose a topic listed below and write a 3-4 page essay.  Be sure to include two sources to help prove your argument, and be sure to cite your sources correctly in the paper.  Refer to the Writer’s Handbook for examples/format.


  1. In what ways does the media affect society or shape social norms? Choose a type of programming or format and demonstrate the effect?


  1. How has television programming changed over time? What does this say about our society?


  1. Should there continue to be a ratings system for television and/or films? How is this beneficial or detrimental?  Choose a side, and argue this issue.


  1. Do violent television shows, movies or games affect those who view them?


  1. Social media is an ever growing medium in our society. Weigh the benefits and consequences of using Facebook, YouTube and other forms of media.





* If you have any questions about the topics, please don’t hesitate to ask.



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