Bussiness Assignment


A1. Write an essay addressing the following question(12 pts):

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Is government regulation good or bad for business and society?


  1. The following terms should be incorporated into your response:


-public good

-market failure

-regulatory capture


  1. Be sure to also incorporate relevant readings, videos, data, and real-world examples.



A2. Write an essay addressing the following topic (12 pts):


“Businesses have too much influence on the political process in the United States.”


  1. Do you agree with the statement above? Explain why or why not. Provide relevant evidence to support your position.


  1. The following terms should be incorporated into your response:

-Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission

-Political Action Committees (PAC)

-Dark Money


-Trade Associations





PART B. Case Study Analysis (26 Possible Points)



The senior leadership and board of directors of a major U.S. technology company have asked for your advice on whether it should speak out about Black Lives Matter and, if so, how. Is it too controversial? Will speaking out seem inauthentic? Can a for-profit company have any real impact on such a large-scale problem?


  1. Your job is to write a single, cohesive memo to the company’s leadership thatprovides a clear recommendation and explains your reasoning on whether the company should take action on Black Lives Matter or not.


  1. For whatever position you advise the company, the company will have to answer to multiple different stakeholders. In your memo you should clearly identify all of the relevant stakeholders and consider how the company should weigh the interests of the various stakeholders


  1. For whichever position you advise the company, identify the possible benefits and risks the company may face. Provide specific recommendations to the company on how it can minimize possible risks.


The following three articles (posted to Canvas under the Midterm module) on businesses and Black Lives Matter are provided as background for your memo.  You should incorporate any relevant information from them into your response:


  • “Black Lives Matter: Do companies really support the cause?” (BBC, 06/12/2020)
  • “Here’s what tech companies have said they’ll do…” (CNBC, 06/12/2020)
  • “Companies say they support Black Lives Matter. Their employees doubt them.” (Washington Post, 06/16/2020)


It is not necessary to do additional outside research to answer this question, however if you chose to do so,you should be sure to provide appropriate citations for your sources.


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