What divides people as human beings

America’s founding documents emphasize liberties and rights for all, but fully realizing this goal takes work. Write a Research Report exploring how division occurred and the reasoning for this division during the Civil War time period. In your report, use and cite information from at least two reading selections in the unit. (One of these should be the mentor text, “Declaration of Sentiments”.)

Before you begin writing, ask yourselves these questions:

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What divides people as human beings
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What is your thesis or controlling idea on this topic?
Which sources contain evidence to support your ideas?
How can you logically order your ideas?

Research Reports are a type of informational writing grounded in the careful research of a narrow topic. They synthesize information from relevant and credible primary and secondary sources.

A successful Research Report:

has an introduction that catches a reader’s attention with vivid language and details.
supports main ideas with evidence from credible sources.
includes a clear controlling idea or thesis statement.
organizes information in a logical way and connects related ideas effectively.
cites sources of quotes and ideas.
uses appropriate word choice.
ends by summarizing ideas or drawing an overall conclusion.

Use credible sources and cite them throughout your writing. Your essay should be MLA formatted and be between 500-800 words (not including your header and Works Cited page).

My introduction is appealing, informative, and catches the reader’s attention; the topic is clearly identified.
I include a clear thesis statement or controlling idea.
I support my central ideas with details—facts, definitions, and examples—pulled from a variety of credible sources.
I smoothly integrate source information that avoids plagiarism and cites sources correctly.
I cite sources of quotes and ideas that are not my own.
I quote accurately from the text to support my ideas.
I organize my information into paragraphs of related ideas.
I use precise language and explain terms that might be unfamiliar to readers.
My conclusion summarizes the information presented in my writing.

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