Unit IV
Watch the three videos of three major speeches:
– MLK’s “I Have a Dream” (https://youtu.be/I47Y6VHc3Ms)
– LBJ’s “Great Society Speech”(https://youtu.be/x4Qc1VM80aQ)
– A debate between Reagan and Bush over immigration in the 1980 Republican primary (https://youtu.be/YsmgPp_nlok)
Once completed, type up an essay in Microsoft Word answering the below question. Using approximately 200-300 words minimum for each response, with each response supported by evidence from the documents you read.
1. How do these videos reflect changes in the U.S. over the course of the 1960s, 70s, and 80s? Where did the U.S. appear to be headed?
2. In general, all of these invoke a strong sense of optimism about the U.S. Considering the period 1960-1980, is this sense deserved? Explain your answer using specific examples from class and the textbook.
Not looking for present-day politics or “looking to the future” here. Only consider the period being addressed.
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