The different learning development in young children

This is a human and growth paper based on children’s learning development skills.
Focusing on Babies, toddlers and young children.
How their learning development skills are different and what is causing it to be different.
What causes children’s developing skills to be quick or slow? What is the parent doing wrong or how can the parent help? Is it just a learning disability or is it because no one including the parents are teaching the child how to speak, sign or more?
Here are some references towards my research paper.

Boyse, RN, K. Reviewed by Mohammed, MD, L. University of Michigan, Michigan Medicine (February 2010). Developmental Delay.

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The different learning development in young children
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The authors at Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan, lay out the different steps of recognizing development delay and that a doctor can only diagnosis it. The author describes the common causes of development delay and what a parent should do if they suspect that their child has a development delay. At the age of 16 the author suggests that the parent should begin planning for how their child shall transition from school into the community as an adult. They lay out the possible life as what the parent should expect from a development delayed child.


Morin, A. Reviewed by Harstad, MD, MPH, E. Developmental Delays: What you need to know.

The author of this article gives the five areas of skill development and explains what exactly they are. She explains the basics about the developmental delays and it not just being “slower to develop”. She provided intel and research on the differences and comparisons of Developmental Delay vs. Developmental Disability. The author describes that there’s no possible cause of developmental delay but there’s risk factors and listed them with description for the reader to understand.


Logsdon, A. Swaim, E. (2020). Developmental Delays vs. Learning Disabilities.

The authors and researchers provided the different types of developmental delays. They describe how the developmental delays are different from other learning disabilities. They provide information on how some of the disabilities are preventable. The author suggests that’s students should be tested for developmental delays. Schools provide special education services for eligible students.

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