Research paper outline Japan Labor Trends

Looking for someone experienced with economic research paper that will work closely with me with the next order for 10 page economic paper. Additional compensation will be given depending on the quality of that paper. (I will find and provide an idea what I want to say, all sources and create graphs for that one but you can also input as well.)


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Research paper outline Japan Labor Trends
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For this assignment I am asked to write an outline [the questions are attached as a file ‘Research Paper OUTLINE Guidelines’] Must follow instructions on outline guidelines.


I want to explore the Japanese employment trends (lifetime employment vs non-regular employment) have changed since the economic bubble 1990. Why is there a transition of employment pattern?

-Found that The number of non-regular employees has been increasing while the number of regular employees have been consistent.
-Unemployment rate in Japan has been consistently low throughout.
-High number of non-regular employees are Female.
-Found the increasing graduates of higher education (i.e. university) has high correlation with increasing rate of non-regular employees (definite contract, part-time, temporary workers).

Data sets are included.

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