This a Control Lean Plan for Management Theory, these are the requirements.

Read the materials provided. Then, open and fix the BASOL Business Profit and Loss Statement. Then, complete the Lean Control Plan. Also, assemble an analytical essay explaining the worksheet.
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-BASOL Business Profit and Loss Statement

-Fix the statement to get positive results. Look at the hints provided.

-Keep in mind which changes you are making and why they help you get positive results.

-BASOL LEAN Control Plan

-Complete the form in reference to what you did in the BASOL Business Profit and Loss Statement.

Essay Requirements:

-APA Format

-Title Page

-Reference Page

-Explain the application of Lean used in the BASOL LEAN Control Plan.

-Adapt and arrange the five core principals of lean

-Define lean and provide your personal opinion on why the concept of lean can be confusing

-2 in-text citations per page

-2 page minimum (Not including title or reference pa

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