The Force in Real Life

This project includes inquiry, critical thinking, research and documentation in support of your individual paper. You will choose your own topic, appropriate to an academic setting and research, approved by your instructor. Keep in mind the length of the paper so that your topic is narrowed appropriately. Your instructor will provide you with options for collecting information and you will practice documenting text from your sources. Since this is expected to be a paper in which you will take a position, you will continue exploring logical reasoning and critical thinking.


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The Force in Real Life
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Proper APA format
Between 1,500 and 2,000 words
A minimum of 5 sources that are credible, valuable to the paper, well integrated, and cited correctly both in the text and in the references page
A single thesis that drives the point or argument in the paper
Well written with few to no errors

Topic Instructions: A deep dive into the philosophies of the Jedi and Sith, how they basically take the same subject matter, the Force, and get drastically different viewpoint. Then compare this relationship to our own political and religious groups (i.e. the Abrahamic religions, Democrats vs Republicans, etc.)

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