You have a business idea and are looking for someone to invest in it. Your investors would like to know about the legal issues facing your new business. They have asked you to prepare a memorandum with the following information and analysis.
Identify and select an idea for a new business. Decide on the business, what it will do, who will it serve, how many employees it will have (have a minimum of 10 employees), and where it will be located and do business (needs to be located in the United States). Decide on a business name, the form of the business entity, and the place of organization. Then, prepare a short summary of the major legal issues the business will have to address in order to get up-and-running and through the first few years of its operations.
It is not to be a business plan discussing operations, financing and marketing. I want enough information to understand your business setup but the meat of your paper should address legal issues. Make sure that you cover every area of law that we have studied in this course and will apply to this business. Don’t be concerned with issues that will not impact your business. For industry specific issues, try looking at the trade associations that cover the industry. As always, please feel free to email me for guidance.
The final analysis should be in business memo form to the attention of your instructor. It should be 3-5 pages, single-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, with 1″ margins. These guidelines https://www.fsb.muohio.edu/heitgedl/Memo%20writing%20tips%20ACC333%20SP06.pdfare a good overview of how to write an effective memo.
Please use the headings identified in the guidelines.
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