Target Market Analysis

Using the template word document provided for this milestone, submit a short paper in which you conduct a target market analysis. This analysis should focus on the new product the pet supply company is selling, not the company itself. It should provide information about the demographic (age, marital status, education, income, etc.), geographic (physical locations), and psychographic (personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles) of the potential target market. Based on this analysis, you will then need to discuss the needs and wants of your target market and how this new product will either appeal to a want or fulfill a need.
Below is the “template word document*.


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Target Market Analysis
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Notes on APA in a Formal Assignment

· Set margins to 1 inch all around.

· Use 12-point Times New Roman font and make sure to double-space.

· Paragraphs should be at least three to four sentences.

· Do not include the headings “Introduction” and “Conclusion.” These are included below to help you lay out your paper. APA format assumes the introduction begins the paper, the body continues the paper, and the conclusion wraps up the paper, so those headings are not needed.

· Indent the first line of every paragraph by pressing the Tab key.

· Be careful not use personal pronouns such as “I.”

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