Survey Flow
PSY 203 Experiment 1
Survey Flow
Standard: Consent (1 Question)
Branch: New Branch
If RESEARCH PARTICIPANT CONSENT FORM PSY 203 Experiment 1 Melissa Robertson, Ph.D.Department of Psyc… Yes, I consent to participate Is Selected
Standard: COVID Perceptions (12 Questions)
Block: Vignette (1 Question)
BlockRandomizer: 1 – Evenly Present Elements
Block: Ritual (2 Questions)
Block: Random (2 Questions)
Block: Choice (9 Questions)
Block: Manipulation Checks (11 Questions)
Block: Demographics (12 Questions)
Branch: New Branch
If RESEARCH PARTICIPANT CONSENT FORM PSY 203 Experiment 1 Melissa Robertson, Ph.D.Department of Psyc… No, I do not consent to participate Is Selected
EndSurvey: Default
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Start of Block: Consent
Melissa Robertson, Ph.D.
Department of Psychological Sciences
Purdue University
What is the purpose of this study?
A major component of this course is the APA paper assignment, which involves writing up the results of an experiment. In order to have results for you to write about, we need to collect some data as a class. The purpose of this study is to generate data for this assignment.
What will I do if I choose to be in this study? If you choose to participate in this study, you will be asked to answer some questions about COVID-19, read about a hypothetical situation, engage in some physical gestures, and then answer some questions about your perceptions of the situation and your experience engaging in the gestures. Then, you will be asked about some of your personal characteristics.
How long will I be in the study? This study will take about 15 minutes to complete.
What are the possible risks or discomforts? Some of the questions asked may be personal in nature, and you may feel uncomfortable answering them.
Are there any potential benefits? You will be able to use the data generated from this experiment in your APA research paper assignment. In addition, the results of this experiment will be used to demonstrate course concepts to enhance your learning experience in this course.
Will information about me and my participation be kept confidential? Your responses are completely anonymous, and neither your instructor nor your classmates will be able to trace your responses back to you. Identifying information (e.g. IP address, name, Purdue alias) will not be collected. Demographic information that may indirectly identify you will be removed from the data file. This will be accomplished by either 1) replacing responses that are infrequently selected responses with missing values, 2) removing variables from the dataset provided to students, or 3) providing demographic data separately from study responses.
What are my rights if I take part in this study? Your participation in this study is voluntary. You may choose not to participate or, if you agree to participate, you can withdraw your participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You may skip any questions you do not feel comfortable answering.
Who can I contact if I have questions about the study? If you have questions, comments or concerns about this research project, you can contact Dr. Robertson in a Brightspace message or email. Documentation of Informed Consent I have had the opportunity to read this consent form and have the research study explained. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the research study, and my questions have been answered. I am prepared to participate in the research study described above.
- Yes, I consent to participate (1)
- No, I do not consent to participate (0)
End of Block: Consent
Start of Block: COVID Perceptions
BestData Because results from this study will be used in class assignments, we need to make sure the data we collect is high-quality and trustworthy.
Your responses are completely anonymous and cannot be traced back to you by your instructor or your classmates.
Will you commit to providing your best data as you participate in this study?
- Yes (1)
- No (0)
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PS1 I believe that I’m at risk of getting COVID-19
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
PS2 It’s likely that I will develop COVID-19
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
PS3 It’s possible that I will contract COVID-19
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
ANX1 I am anxious about contracting COVID-19
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
ANX2 I am worried about contracting COVID-19
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
ANX3 I am concerned about contracting COVID-19
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
PSV1 I believe that COVID-19 is a serious problem
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
PSV2 I believe that COVID-19 is a deadly disease
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
RE1 Following the Protect Purdue Pledge is effective in preventing COVID-19
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
RE2 Following the Protect Purdue Pledge is important to limiting the spread of COVID-19
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
RE3 It is useful to follow the Protect Purdue Pledge to protect ourselves against COVID-19
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
End of Block: COVID Perceptions
Start of Block: Vignette
Vignette Last night, you receive a text message from your good friend, a fellow student at Purdue. Your friend is planning to throw a party this Saturday and has invited you to join. There will be 20-30 people at the party. Your friend always throws great parties, and several of your other friends are planning to attend. You know that you will have a lot of fun at the party, and that your friend will be very disappointed if you cannot come.
However, you know that other people at the party won’t follow the Protect Purdue Pledge (e.g., maintaining social distancing and wearing masks). Because of this, you will need to decide between attending the party and following the Protect Purdue Pledge. Because following the Protect Purdue Pledge involves avoiding off-campus events where others are not following social distancing and mask guidelines, you will not be able to go to your friend’s party if you decide to follow the Protect Purdue Pledge.
End of Block: Vignette
Start of Block: Ritual
Ritual1 Please perform the following gestures in the order they are listed below.
Sit upright Put your hands on your knees Take a deep breath Close your eyesBow your headSilently count to 10 Then, open your eyes
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Ritual2 Please perform the following gestures once more, in the order they are listed below.
Sit upright Put your hands on your knees Take a deep breath Close your eyes Bow your head Silently count to 10 Then, open your eyes
End of Block: Ritual
Start of Block: Random
Random1 Please perform the following gestures, in any order you want.
• Sit normally• Place a hand on your belly• Cough• Blink your eyes• Shake your head• Look at the power button on your device just for a few seconds• Wink
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Random2 Please perform the following gestures, in any order you want.
• Touch your finger to your nose• Slouch in your seat• Look around• Cross your legs just for a few seconds• Breathe in and out• Squeeze your eyes shut• Move your head
End of Block: Random
Start of Block: Choice
Choice Based on the information provided earlier, would you decide to:
- Attend your friend’s party (1)
- Miss out on your friend’s party (0)
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Please respond to the following statements with reference to your decision about the party.
I felt disciplined when making this decision.
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Somewhat disagree (3)
- Slightly disagree (4)
- Neither agree nor disagree (5)
- Slightly agree (6)
- Somewhat agree (7)
- Agree (8)
- Strongly agree (9)
I felt like my willpower was gone when making this decision.
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Somewhat disagree (3)
- Slightly disagree (4)
- Neither agree nor disagree (5)
- Slightly agree (6)
- Somewhat agree (7)
- Agree (8)
- Strongly agree (9)
I felt mentally strong when making this decision.
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Somewhat disagree (3)
- Slightly disagree (4)
- Neither agree nor disagree (5)
- Slightly agree (6)
- Somewhat agree (7)
- Agree (8)
- Strongly agree (9)
I felt sharp and focused when making this decision.
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Somewhat disagree (3)
- Slightly disagree (4)
- Neither agree nor disagree (5)
- Slightly agree (6)
- Somewhat agree (7)
- Agree (8)
- Strongly agree (9)
PC How much control did you feel you had over this decision?
- 1 – No control at all (1)
- 2 (2)
- 3 (3)
- 4 (4)
- 5 (5)
- 6 – A very high amount of control (6)
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SE1 It is easy for me to follow the Protect Purdue Pledge
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
SE2 Following the Protect Purdue Pledge is no problem for me
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
SE3 I am able to follow the Protect Purdue Pledge easily
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Slightly disagree (3)
- Neither agree nor disagree (4)
- Slightly agree (5)
- Agree (6)
- Strongly agree (7)
End of Block: Choice
Start of Block: Manipulation Checks
Please respond to the following questions thinking about the gestures you performed.
To what extent did you perform the gestures as instructed?
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Somewhat disagree (3)
- Slightly disagree (4)
- Neither agree nor disagree (5)
- Slightly agree (6)
- Somewhat agree (7)
- Agree (8)
- Strongly agree (9)
MC2 To what extent did the gestures you performed feel like a ritual?
- 1 – Not at all (1)
- 2 (2)
- 3 (3)
- 4 (4)
- 5 (5)
- 6 (6)
- 7 (7)
- 8 (8)
- 9 – Very much (9)
MC3 How repetitive were the gestures you performed?
- 1 – Not at all repetitive (1)
- 2 (2)
- 3 (3)
- 4 (4)
- 5 (5)
- 6 (6)
- 7 (7)
- 8 (8)
- 9 – Very repetitive (9)
MC4 How rigid were the gestures you performed?
- 1 – Not at all rigid (1)
- 2 (2)
- 3 (3)
- 4 (4)
- 5 (5)
- 6 (6)
- 7 (7)
- 8 (8)
- 9 – Very rigid (9)
MC4 How meaningful were the gestures you performed?
- 1 – Not at all meaningful (1)
- 2 (2)
- 3 (3)
- 4 (4)
- 5 (5)
- 6 (6)
- 7 (7)
- 8 (8)
- 9 – Very meaningful (9)
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Please respond to the following questions thinking about the gestures you performed.
While I performed the gestures…
I focused on my breathing.
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Somewhat disagree (3)
- Slightly disagree (4)
- Neither agree nor disagree (5)
- Slightly agree (6)
- Somewhat agree (7)
- Agree (8)
- Strongly agree (9)
MF2 I focused on the physical sensations of my breath.
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Somewhat disagree (3)
- Slightly disagree (4)
- Neither agree nor disagree (5)
- Slightly agree (6)
- Somewhat agree (7)
- Agree (8)
- Strongly agree (9)
MF3 I was in touch with my body.
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Somewhat disagree (3)
- Slightly disagree (4)
- Neither agree nor disagree (5)
- Slightly agree (6)
- Somewhat agree (7)
- Agree (8)
- Strongly agree (9)
MF4 I was absorbed in the present moment.
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Somewhat disagree (3)
- Slightly disagree (4)
- Neither agree nor disagree (5)
- Slightly agree (6)
- Somewhat agree (7)
- Agree (8)
- Strongly agree (9)
MF5 My thoughts were focused on the present moment.
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Somewhat disagree (3)
- Slightly disagree (4)
- Neither agree nor disagree (5)
- Slightly agree (6)
- Somewhat agree (7)
- Agree (8)
- Strongly agree (9)
MF6 I was mostly thinking about the present moment.
- Strongly disagree (1)
- Disagree (2)
- Somewhat disagree (3)
- Slightly disagree (4)
- Neither agree nor disagree (5)
- Slightly agree (6)
- Somewhat agree (7)
- Agree (8)
- Strongly agree (9)
End of Block: Manipulation Checks
Start of Block: Demographics
Descriptive The following questions will ask you about your personal characteristics for the purposes of describing the study sample, and examining whether results are consistent across different groups of participants.
Gender What is your current gender?
- Woman (1)
- Man (2)
- Transgender (3)
- A gender not listed here (4)
- No answer (5)
Age What is your age?
Race What is your race or ethnicity? (check all that apply)
- American Indian or Alaska Native (5)
- Asian (3)
- Black or African American (2)
- Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish (1)
- Middle Eastern or North African (6)
- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (7)
- White (4)
- Some other race or ethnicity (8)
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College How many years of college have you completed?
- 1 (1)
- 2 (2)
- 3 (3)
- 4 (4)
- 5 or more (5)
SSS Think of a ladder with 10 steps representing where people stand in the United States. At step 10 are people who are the best off – those who have the most money, the most education, and the most respected jobs. At step 1 are the people who are worst off – those who have the least money, least education, and the least respected jobs or no job. Where would you place yourself on this ladder?
- 1 (1)
- 2 (2)
- 3 (3)
- 4 (4)
- 5 (5)
- 6 (6)
- 7 (7)
- 8 (8)
- 9 (9)
- 10 (10)
Income1 Which of the following best represents your annual individual income, before taxes, across all sources (e.g., wages and salaries, dividends and interest, unemployment insurance, disability income, etc.)?
- Less than $10,000 (1)
- $10,000 to $19,999 (2)
- $20,000 to $29,999 (3)
- $30,000 to $39,999 (4)
- $40,000 to $49,999 (5)
- $50,000 to $59,999 (6)
- $60,000 to $69,999 (7)
- $70,000 to $79,999 (8)
- $80,000 to $89,999 (9)
- $90,000 to $99,999 (10)
- $100,000 to $149,999 (11)
- $150,000 or more (12)
HHSize What is your household size?
Your household is defined by those who you live with on a permanent basis (i.e., not just during the school year), and includes:- You- Any spouse/partner who you live with- Any parent(s) or guardian(s) who you live with- Any children and dependents for whom you or the parent(s)/guardian(s) you live with are financially responsible
- 1 (just me) (1)
- 2 (2)
- 3 (3)
- 4 (4)
- 5 (5)
- 6 (6)
- 7 (7)
- 8 (8)
- 9 (9)
- 10 or more (10)
Income2 Which of the following best represents your annual household income, before taxes, across all sources (e.g., wages and salaries, dividends and interest, unemployment insurance, disability income, etc.)?
Your household is defined by those who you live with on a permanent basis (i.e., not just during the school year), and includes: – You – Any spouse/partner who you live with – Any parent(s) or guardian(s) who you live with – Any children and dependents for whom you or your parent(s)/guardian(s) are financially responsible
- Less than $10,000 (1)
- $10,000 to $19,999 (2)
- $20,000 to $29,999 (3)
- $30,000 to $39,999 (4)
- $40,000 to $49,999 (5)
- $50,000 to $59,999 (6)
- $60,000 to $69,999 (7)
- $70,000 to $79,999 (8)
- $80,000 to $89,999 (9)
- $90,000 to $99,999 (10)
- $100,000 to $149,999 (11)
- $150,000 or more (12)
Employed Are you currently employed?
- Yes (1)
- No (2)
Display This Question:
If Are you currently employed? = Yes
Industry Which of the following industries most closely matches the one in which you are employed?
- Forestry, fishing, hunting or agriculture support (1)
- Real estate or rental and leasing (2)
- Mining (3)
- Professional, scientific or technical services (4)
- Utilities (5)
- Management of companies or enterprises (6)
- Construction (7)
- Admin, support, waste management or remediation services (8)
- Manufacturing (9)
- Educational services (10)
- Wholesale trade (11)
- Health care or social assistance (12)
- Retail trade (13)
- Arts, entertainment or recreation (14)
- Transportation or warehousing (15)
- Accommodation or food services (16)
- Information (17)
- Other services (except public administration) (18)
- Finance or insurance (19)
- Unclassified establishments (20)
Display This Question:
If Are you currently employed? = Yes
Occupation Please indicate your occupation:
- Management, professional, and related (1)
- Service (2)
- Sales and office (3)
- Farming, fishing, and forestry (4)
- Construction, extraction, and maintenance (5)
- Production, transportation, and material moving (6)
- Government (7)
End of Block: Demographics
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