Summarize and analyze the legislative process in Texas using a bill

PSCI 2306


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Summarize and analyze the legislative process in Texas using a bill
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For this writing assignment, you are to summarize and analyze the legislative process in Texas using a bill that was submitted in the 86th Legislative Session (regular or special session). To access the bill follow the instructions below:

Access the Texas Legislator Online via

Under the Search Legislation section

  1. Click on the appropriate Legislature – 86(R)-2019
  2. If you know the bill number, click on Bill Number and enter Bill Number in the box below and click Go OR
  3. Click on Word/Phrase and enter the topic that you wish to research. A list of bills related to that topic will be generated. Once you have selected your bill, go back to the home page and follow steps 1-3.

Navigate the bill using the tabs and gather information to use in your paper. You can read the submitted bill by clicking on the tab labeled Text, it is available in word and pdf format. Use the tabs to help you summarize and analyze the legislative process as discussed in class. You are free to include any information regarding the bill in your paper, but you must identify each stages of the bill. The paper should have a good summary about the bill, but the paper should not only focus on this topic. Your paper should primarily focus on the stages of the legislative process using the bill to explain and analyze each phase.

You are to write a paper that is at least 2 pages in length and no more than 4 pages using the following:

12 pt. Times New Roman

Double Space

1” Margins

Single space header at top of page (left or right corner)

Cover page is acceptable

Works cited page (use the citation method you are comfortable with or use for your discipline)


Keep in mind the two-page minimum is two FULL pages, points will be deducted if it is any shorter. Points will also be deducted if your paper is not in the format stated above.

You are required to use the Texas Legislature Online website, but you are not restricted to it. You may use other sources to include newspaper articles so long as they are from reputable sources. You may not use Wikipedia! If you use additional sources, they must be properly cited on your works cited page.

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