Reflective journal about film Philadelphia

please use below article which you used for my articale  Vorasane, S., Jimba, M., Kikuchi, K., Yasuoka, J., Nanishi, K., Durham, J., & Sychareun, V. (2017). An investigation of stigmatizing attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS by doctors and nurses in Vientiane, Lao PDR. BMC health services research, 17(1), 125 because of i am a bhudhist and  immigrated from sri lanka which is homosexuality prohibited country.  in bhudhism homo sexuality and Buddhists are encouraged to enjoy sex responsibly, as a result, most Buddhists avoid being  sex with other people other than marred partner so if some one get std in sri lanka it consider as very bad

36987929 minutes ago

Great journal – I am wondering if you can add a paragraph saying how and what did the article say about stigma and how are you going to change? Do you have any stigma personally? You tell me a lot about the movie, but don’t tell me, about how you were changed by the movie and how you would do things differently.

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Reflective journal about film Philadelphia
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36987929 minutes ago

above things said my lecturer answers should be supportive to above requirements

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