argument, not merely feelings. 1/3 of the paper should be summary and 2/3 should be your response. The first paragraph should tell your audience about the author. The second paragraph should summarize the article. For the remaining paragraphs, explain the following: On which points do you agree with the author and why? On which points do you disagree with the author and why? Each point of agreement or disagreement should be a separate paragraph.
* The paper is to be single-spaced.
* The paper is to be written in Times New Roman, 12-point font.
* The article citation is to be located at the top of the first page. Be sure to follow the MLA format. This is your title.
* This assignment is to be placed on Moodle in MS Word format (“.doc” or “.docx” file extension ONLY) according to the following file name format: Lastname_Firstname_reaction_paper The grade will be reduced 3 points if it does not have the correct file name format. No .pdf files will be accepted.
* Major errors include: misspelled words, failure to capitalize proper nouns, subject-verb disagreements, pronoun-antecedent disagreements, fragments, run-ons, and comma splices.
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