Physical Education Assignment
Physical Education Assignment #2
Directions: Please complete the following assignment. Please answer all questions, under the correct section and directly under the questions assigned. This assignment must be typed, and submitted as a hard copy on the due date inside Google Classroom. No submissions through email will be accepted. The due date for this assignment is Monday November 9, 2020. This assignment will be graded out of a 100. There are 4 sections to this assignment, making each section worth 25 points. You are required to answer questions in complete sentences, using proper grammar and re-stating the question in your answer. Not doing this will result in partial credit for answers. For every day that this assignment is late there will be a 5 point deduction. Plagiarism will not be accepted, even partial plagiarism will not be accepted and graded until work is re-done correctly and re-submitted. If you have any questions regarding plagiarism, please refer back to the syllabus.
Section 1:
Directions: Watch the following video, and then answer the following 8 questions. Answer each question in complete sentences, in your own words and re-stating the question in each answer. Each question will be worth 3.13 points.
- Why does a setter play an important role to the offense? Who would the libero want to pass the ball to, and in what direction should this pass be on the court (such as back middle, back side, front side, front middle, etc..)?
- What role does the libero have? What makes that position so significant in the game ofvolleyball?
- What body position is important to be in when performing a forearm pass? At what height or level should you swing your arm to in regards to your own body when angling your platform to give a pass?
- Why is it important for all players to have a grasp of how to set? What benefits does a team gainwhen everyone on the court knows how to set?
- What is the difference between a forearm pass and a set pass?
- What are the 3 positions of spiking the coach went over when hitting the ball?What are threethings one must do with their hitting arm when spiking the volleyball?
- What workouts are suggested to do for someone that plays the role of an outside hitter?
- Name some drills one can do as a libero, as a setter and as an outside hitter. Be specific to eachposition that is played.
Section 2:
Directions: Read the following article, and then answer the following 10 questions. Answer each question in complete sentences, in your own words and re-stating the question in each answer. Each question will be worth 2.5 points.
Benefits of Playing Volleyball – We Love Volleyball
- Name three types of settings that the game of volleyball could be played to?
- What are several reasons why people play the game of volleyball?
- State 7 physical benefits of playing volleyball, and then state 7 emotional benefits of playing volleyball.
- What is one health benefit an individual can have by playing volleyball?
- When playing the game of volleyball, what muscles are being used?
- Under the section of weight loss, what is required for your body to do when playing volleyball? What is expected in the game?
- When one develops body core strength and stability, how can it enhance players abilities and skills?
- What are some metabolic benefits that help in maintaining and improving general health and well-being?
- What is one of the most important emotional and personal benefits that playing volleyball has the ability to do? Explain your answer.
- What is one of the most important benefits of playing volleyball?
Section 3:
Directions: Watch the following video, and then answer the following 10 questions. Answer each question in complete sentences, in your own words and re-stating the question in each answer. Each question will be worth 2.5 points.
- When and where was the game of volleyball invented? Who invented the game of volleyball?
- What was volleyball first called when it was invented (a different name than volleyball)?
- When was volleyball first played competitively?
- Why did the players want to change the name of the sport to volleyball from what it was originally called?
- Where was the first place the organization that where volleyball was created go to make the sport a worldwide sport?
- Who were the first people that were the ones who created the set-and-spike play in volleyball?
- When was the first sand volleyball game played competitively?
- When and where was indoor volleyball introduced?
- What type of volleyball playing grew more interesting when professional volleyball went bankrupt?
- In a sand volleyball game, how much money can an average female volleyball athlete earn? How much money can a top female volleyball player earn playing professionally?
Section 4:
Directions: Watch the following video, and then answer the following 8 questions. Answer each question in complete sentences, in your own words and re-stating the question in each answer. Each question will be worth 3.13 points.
- What is the objective of the game of volleyball? How many players make up a team? How many players can a team have on a court at one time?
- What do you have to do to win a set in a volleyball game?
- What are the dimensions of an indoor volleyball court (length and width)?
- What is the official height of a net in a men’s indoor volleyball game?. What is the official height of a net in a women’s indoor volleyball game?
- Up to how many hits is one side allowed to have before the volleyball must go over the net? What is the phrase normally used for these specific amount of hits?
- What are the seven “cannot do” in the game of volleyball to prevent you and your team from losing a point?
- What is the role of a libero? What are they expected to do on the court and what can they not do in that position?
- When substituting players, how many players can be changed within one set?

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