Performance Improvement Case 2

Do the three problems below.

Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence by James R. Evans and William M. Lindsay, 10thEdition, South-Western Publishing, 2015.

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Performance Improvement Case 2
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Review Chapter 5 (“Process Focus”) in your Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence text. Also study the standard process flow symbols and terminology — see ( for an example. Do all of the following:


(1) Do Problem #2a on pages 242-243 (making a batch of paint). Develop a flowchart that maps out the paint-making process.

a. Review the discussion of Process Design and Process Mapping on pages 213-216 of the text (focus on flowcharts in Figures 5.2 and 5.3).

b. When preparing the flowchart of the process for making paint, be sure to use “Start”, “End”, “Process Step” and “Decision” symbols, as a minimum.

c. Enrich the flowchart by adding detailed steps which may not have been described in detail in the write-up.


(2) Do Problem #6 on page 243 (depositing a check at a bank).

a. Review the discussion of Process Design and Process Mapping on pages 213-216 of the text (focus on flowcharts in Figures 5.2 and 5.3).

b. Draw a flowchart for the process of depositing a check at a bank using standard process flow symbols.

c. Be sure to identify potential failures and discuss possible poke-yokes.


(3) Do Discussion Question #10 on page 242. (1 page)

a. Review the kaizen discussion on pages 229-231.

b. The kaizen philosophy seeks to encourage suggestions, not to find excuses. Think of at least five other excuses why people don’t try to improve. Which ones have you personally encountered? How did you deal with these excuses or how did you feel about them?

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