Operations business management case study
Hello 🙂 Please read the attached document first and then take a look at my notes below for more info
For Q1:
Basically need to apply all the different business management classes and knowledge that I have gotten from them so far. It’s broad thinking and nothing needs to be solved for this question. Identify key issues of going from 3 locations to 1. Organize and discuss the issue and explain why is it important to go from 3 locations to 1. Most of the work and writing has to be for this question.
For Q2:
Identify to which city and state in the USA their distribution center should move to when moving from 3 locations to 1 (Not Hawaii and Alaska).
Some more instructions:
The paper should not go over 4 pages or my professor will mark it off. You don’t have to use references because my professor created this imaginary situation and there will be no info about it on Google. He did say if we did do any research we should cite it but again, as this scenario is created by him, there won’t be much info on the internet.
More info on the case:
Wholesaler of America, Inc. (WOA) sells non-perishable and non-bulky items. They currently have distribution centers in CA, Il, and NJ. They are all the same size and run the same. All 400,00 sq ft. Each location has its own sales and administration offices and each office is 5,000 sq ft. Each location carries the same items, quantities, and SKU’s. They all carry 20,000 SKU’s. Each location has a warehouse manager, supervisor, 3 receiving warehouse people, and 6 other fillers with a total of 33 people working for the entire company. The entire company is non-union. The company is B2B and sells to the distributor and they have 1500 industrial distributor customers around the country. Important note: their customers are all split evenly around the country, none in Hawaii and Alaska.
10% of their business in every location is on will-call basis = customer picks up the order at the distribution center themselves because they are in a rush and they don’t want to pay freight (delivery).
This is going to be an autocratic decision.
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