Homework Assesment

Outlineby 11.59pm on (this coming!)Sunday15November 2020 (this will allow me an opportunity to discuss any issues with your ideas in our secondclass day of Week 13)


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  • Submit in iCollege [ENGL 1101 >> Assessment >> Assignments >> Research Paper Outline]


Completed paperby11.59pm on Tuesday 08 December 2020


  • Submit in iCollege [ENGL 1101 >> Assessment >> Assignments >> Final Research Paper]



  • You must compose a research paper.
  • The paper must pursue a research topic.You come up with the topic and focus from within one of the broad categories below.



  • Science [technology; biology; computer science; the natural world]
  • Society [human behavior; psychology; social issues/problems; health; education; crime; politics; sport]
  • History[events; people; movement’s; societies; discoveries; periods]
  • Geography [landscapes; regions; countries; cities]
  • Fine arts [literature; theatre; music; film; painting etc]
  • Idea of your own – however, you MUST email with your topic and argument before you begin your outline so that I can review your ideas.<< if you choose this option, you must explain it to me in advance; I will not accept papers written on alternative topics that I have not spoken to you about and agreed with you that the topic is suitable. Please do not ignore this advice.


Required Structure

Ensure the paper has:

  • an introduction
  • a minimum of SIX body paragraphs
  • a concluding paragraph
  • a works cited page.


The paper must include:

  • A minimum of SIX clear main ideas.
  • Information from sources must be appropriately incorporated (minimum of six credible, relevant sources) with a combination of direct quotations and paraphrases. Each paragraph should include a minimum of ONE piece of source information (quotation or paraphrase).
  • At least two sources should be considered academic/scholarly sources from academic outlets [either database or library-held sources – if you rely only on the open web/Google,points will be reduced.].
  • Sources must be fully acknowledged (signal phrase, in-text citationand works cited entrypoints will be deducted if all three are not present and correct)


Points breakdown [scored out of “100”]:


Content and Structure 30
–         Thesis statement / topic sentences / structure (10)  
–         Ideas and adherence/relevance to argument (20)  
Incorporation of Source Information and Citations (30)
–         In-text citations (10)  
–         Works cited page (10)  
–         Quality of sources (10)  
Mechanics / punctuation (30)

I will be examining all aspects of the grammar/writing concepts covered in ENGL 0999 topics throughout the semester. Please review the slideshows for the following concepts if you are unclear of any:


–          Sentence structure [dependent/independent clauses – in slideshows, “Parts of a Sentence !” and “Comma Use”]

–          Capitalization and Comma Use

–          Subject-verb Agreement

–          Comparatives and Superlatives

–          Adverbs

–          Subject-Verb Agreement

–          Conditional Tenses

–         Reducing Wordiness

–         Language use, spelling and capitalization (10)  
–         Tense use and point of view (10)  
–         Punctuation, sentence structure and cohesiveness of writing (10)  
Overall polishedness / effort / impression (10)  


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